My textiles are influenced by my love of fashion and learning many dyeing techniques over the years to apply to various silk and velvet fabrics to create colour, design and texture. The colour comes from applying dyes either by dipping, which gives me flat colour or using shibori methods of resist with blocks or stitching. The dye can also be printed which gives me the image or design aspect and comes from hand silk screen printing of these dyes. Texture is created by heat treating in a pressure cooker of handpleated silk or velvet.
Devore is applied to a fabric of two different fibres such as rayon and silk. A transparent solution is printed onto the surface and controlled heat is applied with a press. This is then washed out leaving the design in transparent and opaque where the rayon component has been removed.
These methods give me infinite variety with my inspiration coming from my immediate surrounds, and travels in Australia and overseas.